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مطالعات آزمایشگاهی شکست هیدرولیکی ناشی از تزریق تناوبی
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Laboratory studies of hydraulic fracturing by cyclic injection
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We assess the possibility of decreasing the breakdown pressure of rock and increasing the damage around hydraulic fracture by using pre-breakdown cyclic injection during hydraulic fracturing under triaxial stress conditions. Unlike the monotonous increase in pressure used in conventional hydraulic fracturing, the fluid is injected in cycles until breakdown. During cyclic injection, the peak pressure of each cycle is increased in an increment of 10% of the reference breakdown pressure. The reference breakdown pressure of the rock is the pressure at which the rocks fails during hydraulic fracturing by conventional injection. To obtain a reference breakdown pressures, specimens of dry and saturated Tennessee sandstone were hydraulically fractured by conventional injection. The decrease in breakdown pressure and increase in damage during cyclic injection is quantitatively compared with the case of conventional hydraulic fracturing. Acoustic emission (AE), fracture permeability, and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) images of the fracture surface were used to compare the damage around hydraulic fractures generated by conventional and cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing. Laboratory results indicate that the damage generated around hydraulic fracture by cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing of dry Tennessee sandstone is approximately twice that generated by conventional injection. Also, the breakdown pressure recorded during cyclic injection fracturing of dry Tennessee sandstone is lower and varies more than two standard deviations from that of conventional injection.
ما در این تحقیق احتمال کاهش فشار فروپاشی سنگ و افزایش آسیب پیرامون ترک هیدرولیکی را با استفاده از تزریق تناوبی پیش از شکست طی شکست هیدرولیکی تحت شرایط تنش سه محوره ارزیابی میکنیم. برخلاف افزایش یکنواخت فشاری که در شکست هیدرولیکی عادی استفاده میشود، سیال در چند سیکل تا زمان شکست تزریق میشود. طی تزریق تناوبی، فشار بیشینه هر سیکل با فواصل 10% فشار فروپاشی مرجع افزایش پیدا میکند. فشار فروپاشی مرجع سنگ فشاری است که سنگ طی شکست هیدرولیکی در اثر تزریق عادی به نقطه تسلیم میرسد. برای به دست آوردن فشارهای شکست مرجع، نمونههایی از ماسهسنگ خشک و اشباع تنسی بهصورت هیدرولیکی با تزریق عادی شکسته شد. کاهش فشار فروپاشی و افزایش آسیب حین تزریق تناوبی بهطور کمّی باحالت شکست هیدرولیکی عادی مقایسه شد. انتشار صوت (AE)، نفوذپذیری شکست و تصاویر میکروسکوپ الکترونی روبشی (SEM) برای سطح شکست جهت مقایسه آسیب حین شکستهای هیدرولیکی ناشی از شکست هیدرولیکی عادی و شکست هیدرولیکی ناشی از تزریق تناوبی بکار گرفته شدند. نتایج آزمایشگاهی نشان داد آسیبی که حول ترک هیدرولیکی ناشی از شکست در اثر تزریق تناوبی در ماسهسنگ تنسی ایجاد میشود تقریباً دو برابر آسیب ناشی از تزریق عادی است. همچنین، فشار فروپاشیای که حین شکست ناشی از تزریق تناوبی در ماسهسنگ خشک تنسی ثبت شد کمتر بود و بیش از دو برابر انحراف معیار تزریق عادی تغییر یافت.
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Laboratory studies of hydraulic fracturing by cyclic injection ... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1365160917303659 by SM Patel - 2017 - Cited by 21 - Related articles A new method of hydraulic fracturing by pre-breakdown cyclic injection is proposed. The method decreased breakdown pressure of dry Tennessee sandstone. The method increased damage zone around hydraulic fracture. ... The decrease in breakdown pressure and increase in damage zone is due to fatigue. Laboratory studies of hydraulic fracturing by cyclic injection | Request ... https://www.researchgate.net/.../315757825_Laboratory_studies_of_hydraulic_fracturin... Oct 18, 2018 - Hydraulic fracturing using cyclic pumping is a potential method for effective stimulation of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. In our study, the laboratory-scale hydraulic fracturing experiments using cyclic pumping were conducted using cuboid concrete specimens with multiple perforation clusters. Laboratory studies of cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing - OnePetro https://www.onepetro.org/conference-paper/SEG-2016-13969713 by S Patel - 2016 - Cited by 5 - Related articles Laboratory results indicate that the SRV generated by cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing is approximately twice than that generated by conventional injection. Laboratory studies of hydraulic fracturing by cyclic injection https://www.infona.pl/.../bwmeta1.element.elsevier-a7d14d0d-fef6-3221-84bb-c0f1f5... by SM Patel - 2017 - Cited by 21 - Related articles We assess the possibility of decreasing the breakdown pressure of rock and increasing the damage around hydraulic fracture by using pre-breakdown cyclic ... Laboratory studies of cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing - SEG Library https://library.seg.org/doi/10.1190/segam2016-13969713.1 by S Patel - 2016 - Cited by 5 - Related articles Swetal Patel, Carl Sondergeld, and Chandra Rai (2016) Laboratory studies of cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing. SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts ... Laboratory studies of cyclic injection hydraulic fracturing - SEG Library https://library.seg.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1190/segam2016-13969713.1 by S Patel - 2016 - Cited by 5 - Related articles Triaxial laboratory test on hydraulic fracturing were carried out on Tennessee sandstone to assess the effects of cyclic injection on reducing the breakdown pressure and increasing the SRV by cyclic injection. The breakdown pressure decreases by cyclic injection in dry Tennessee sandstone. Laboratory studies of hydraulic fracturing by cyclic injection_图文_百度 ... https://wenku.baidu.com/.../6f4d3c6032687e21af45b307e87101f6... Translate this page Dec 7, 2017 - LABORATORY STUDIES OF HYDRAULIC FRACTURING BY CYCLIC INJECTION 水力压裂循环注射实验研究作者:S.M. PATEL, C.H. ... Laboratory studies of hydraulic fracturing by cyclic injection https://freepaper.me/downloads/abstract/10.../j.ijrmms.2017.03.008 Translate this page We assess the possibility of decreasing the breakdown pressure of rock and increasing the damage around hydraulic fracture by using pre-breakdown cyclic ... A Laboratory Study of Multiple Fracture Initiation from Perforation ... https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs00603-018-1636-5 Oct 30, 2018 - Hydraulic fracturing using cyclic pumping is a potential method for effective stimulation of unconventional oil and gas reservoirs. In our study ... Ads Hydraulic fracturing solvents | HFS 10 boosts oil flow Adwww.elevance.com/ HFS fracking solvents improve oil field production - safely. BTX Free. High Flash Point. Locate A Distributor. Request A Sample. Highlights: Experienced & Dedicated Team Available, Provide Consulting Services. View ProductsContact UsSustainabilityTechnology Hydraulics animation heaven | Learn faster with simulations Adwww.lunchboxsessions.com/ Improve your skills and give your technician career a giant boost! New content each month. Pay monthly. Works on phones & tablets. Cancel anytime. Courses: Hydraulics, Electrical, Machinery. HydraulicsShort CircuitOpen SourceExploreServicesElectrical Measurements Gastech exhibition & Conf 2019 | Submit your abstract Adwww.gastechevent.com/hydraulic/fracturing Interested In Speaking At GasTech 2019? Abstract Submission Now Open. Closes Jan 18th. Share The Stage With Other World-Class Leaders In The Global Gas, LNG & Energy Industry. 700+ Exhibitors. World's Leading Gas Conf. 350 Speakers & Panelists. Speaking Opportunities. 3,500+ Delegates. Become A Media PartnerAbout GasTechSponsorshipGasTech 2018 Review