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عنوان فارسی مقاله:
مدیریت نوآوری و پیش بینی (دور اندیشی) شرکت: یک رویکرد پورتفولیو (نمونه کار) در ارزیابی توسعه سازمانی
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Corporate foresight and innovation management: A portfolio-approach in evaluating organizational development
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قسمتی از مقاله انگلیسی و ترجمه آن:
1. Introduction
In the past decade, a new and unprecedented challenge for companies of all sizes has arisen, one that could mean life or death for a particular organization [1, p. 1]. With this weighty statement, Jonathan Spira heralds the beginning of a new era: the knowledge economy. Likewise, a recent McKinsey survey amongst executives on global trends and their impact on business strategies shows that the greater ease of obtaining information, and thus creating knowledge, is perceived as one of the most influential trends in the business world today [2, p. 17]. 1 However, as Van Giessel and Boekholt [3, p. 2] point out, this paradigm shift from a traditional industry-driven economy to the new knowledge-based economy also implies sundry challenges for companies and their business environment. For example, Porter and Millar [4, p. 150] analyze the future competitive landscape for companies by stating that the ‘information revolution’ affects competition in three vital ways: it changes industry structure and, in doing so, alters the rules of competition; it creates competitive advantage by providing companies new ways to outperform their rivals; and it spawns completely new businesses, often from within a company’s existing operations. Accordingly, Drucker [5] summarizes the situation by claiming that ‘‘in the next 10 to 15 years, collecting outside information is going to be the next frontier’’ (p. 5).
1. معرفی
در دهه گذشته، یک چالش جدید و بی سابقه ای برای شرکتها در هر اندازه ای، بوجود آمد، که می تواند به معنی زندگی یا مرگ برای یک سازمان خاص باشد [1، ص. 1]. با این بیانیه سنگین، جاناتان اسپیرا نوید آغاز یک دوره جدید را میدهد: اقتصاد دانش. بررسی های اخیر مک کینزی در میان مدیران اجرایی در روند جهانی و تاثیر آنها بر استراتژی کسب و کار نشان می دهد که سهولت بیشتر به دست آوردن اطلاعات، و در نتیجه ایجاد دانش، به عنوان یکی از با نفوذ ترین گرایشها در دنیای کسب و کار امروز درک شده است [2، ص 17]. با این حال، ون گیسل و بوخولت [3، ص. 2] اشاره می کنند، این تغییر پارادایم از اقتصاد صنعت محور سنتی به اقتصاد مبتنی بر دانش جدید، همچنین چالش های گوناگون برای شرکت ها و محیط کسب و کارشان را نشان میدهد. به عنوان مثال، پورتر و میلار [4، ص 150] چشم انداز رقابتی آینده برای شرکت ها را با بیان اینکه “انقلاب اطلاعات”، رقابت را به سه طریق حیاتی تحت تاثیر قرار میدهد، تجزیه و تحلیل کردند: ساختار صنعت را تغییر میدهد و در انجام این کار، قوانین رقابت را تغییر میدهد؛ از طریق ارائه راه های جدید به شرکت ها برای عملکرد بهتر از رقبای خود، مزیت رقابتی ایجاد میکند؛ و آن کسب و کار کاملا جدیدی، اغلب از درون امور جاری شرکت را پی ریزی میکند. بر این اساس، دراکر [5] وضعیت را با این ادعا که ” در 10 تا 15 سال آینده، جمع آوری اطلاعات بیرونی، مرز بعدی خواهد بود” خلاصه میکند (ص 5).
کلمات کلیدی
Corporate foresight and innovation management: A portfolio-approach ... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016328709001979 by A Heiko - 2010 - Cited by 107 - Related articles Consequently, an open foresight and open innovation management approach does not always represent a company's optimal position in the Future-Fitness-Portfolio. ... Several tasks of corporate foresight might be separately organized in various departments rather than in a single futures research unit. Corporate foresight and innovation management: A portfolio-approach ... https://www.researchgate.net/.../247150597_Corporate_foresight_and_innovation_ma... Aug 1, 2018 - While,... | Keywords: Organizational Development, Foresight and Innovation. ... A portfolio-approach in evaluating organizational development. Corporate foresight and innovation management A portfolio - TIB https://www.tib.eu/en/search/id/elsevier%3Adoi~10.1016%252Fj.futures.2009.11.023/ Corporate foresight and innovation management: A portfolio-approach in evaluating organizational development (English). von der Gracht, Heiko A. Corporate foresight and innovation management: A portfolio-approach ... https://www.infona.pl/.../bwmeta1.element.elsevier-05d324e9-c6f2-3210-b84b-eb94c... by A Heiko - 2010 - Cited by 107 - Related articles Here, academia has identified corporate foresight and innovation as key success factors. While ... A portfolio-approach in evaluating organizational development. [PDF]Corporate Foresight: An Emerging Field with a Rich Tradition - PURE https://pure.au.dk/.../Rohrbeck_et_al_2015_Corporate_Foresight_An_Emerging_Fiel... by R ROHRBECK - Cited by 76 - Related articles Department of Innovation Management & Strategy. P.O. Box ... Four phases in the historical development of corporate foresight. • Current ...... innovation management: A portfolio-approach in evaluating organizational development, Futures,. Special Issue on "Corporate Foresight and Innovation Management ... futureorientation.net/.../special-issue-on-corporate-foresight-and-innovation-managem... Feb 26, 2016 - Many organizations now support and conduct corporate foresight exercises. .... A portfolio-approach in evaluating organisational development, ... [PDF]the relationship between organisational foresight and ... - RedeSist www.redesist.ie.ufrj.br/ga2012/paper/AgnePaliokaite.pdf by A PALIOKAITĖ - Cited by 8 - Related articles innovation or strategic management), method sophistication (e.g. integration ... This research has its roots in the terms of corporate (organisational) foresight, ...... Portfolio-Approach in Evaluating Organisational Development, Futures, 42, 4, ... Strategic Foresight for Innovation Management: A ... - World Scientific https://www.worldscientific.com/doi/pdfplus/10.1142/S0219877017500195 by A Adegbile - 2017 - Cited by 3 - Related articles Mar 31, 2017 - innovation management tools, and future-oriented knowledge creation, .... search term \corporate foresight" was not included because we ... According to this approach, ... papers associated with strategic foresight in organizations from our .... blems or crises, allows ¯rms to plan proactively by evaluating the ... Corporate Foresight: Anticipating the Future - Google Books Result https://books.google.com/books?isbn=1315411555 Alberto F. De Toni, Roberto Siagri, Cinzia Battistella - 2017 - Business & Economics Tsoukas H. and Shepherd J. (2004) Managing the Future: Foresight in the ... R. (2010) Integrating Futures Studies with Organizational Development: Design ... and Innovation Management: A Portfolio-Approach in Evaluating Organizational ... Ad Innovation management | Get your free 2 week trial Adwww.glidr.io/ Try the Innovation Management software that global leaders use to unlock growth. Bridge the gap between ideation and successful commercialization. Single Platform. Services: Project Workspace, Experiments & Research, Searchable Knowledge Base, Powerful Integrations, Evidence, Prioritization. What is Innovation Mgmt?About UsTransparent PricingProduct Features Page Navigation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next