دانلود رایکان مقاله انگلیسی ISI با موضوع کاربرد طراحى کامپوزیت مرکزى و روش شناسی سطح پاسخ براى تصفیه پیشرفته فاضلاب فرآیند روغن زیتون

عنوان فارسی مقاله:
کاربرد طراحى کامپوزیت مرکزى و روش شناسی سطح پاسخ براى تصفیه پیشرفته فاضلاب فرآیند روغن زیتون با استفاده از پراکسیداسیون فنتون
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
Application of the central composite design and response surface methodology to the advanced treatment of olive oil processing wastewater using Fenton’s peroxidation
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1. Introduction
Small olive oil mills process olives for the extraction of oil while large volumes of liquid wastewater are produced (olive oil mill wastewater, OMW 97 l/100 kg olives, when the conventional three-phase decanter is used) [1]. Phenolics present in OMW at high concentrations (1–10 g/l) are considered as the major recalcitrant compounds which possessing antimicrobial properties, and are difficult to biologically degrade. Conventional biological processes for the purification of OMW are therefore inefficient. The OMW hence, constitutes a major environmental problem because of its high organic load. The chemical oxygen demand (COD) of this wastewater is in the range of 80–200 g/l while the biological oxygen demand (BOD) for OMW is in the range of 89–100 g/l [2]. These values are about 200–400 times higher than those of a typical municipal sewage [3]. Stringent environmental regulations impose increasing efforts toward the development of new technologies and methods for the reduction of the organics in wastewaters, such as OMW. Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) that utilize H2O2, O3, or O2 as the oxidant, are very promising techniques for the remediation of contaminated ground, surface, and wastewaters having non-biodegradable organic pollutants [4,5]. The AOPs involve the generation of the hydroxyl radical (OH•) that is a reactive intermediate and has a high oxidation potential [6]. One available technique in the area of AOPs is based on the Fenton’s peroxidation which is considered as the iron-catalyzed H2O2 decomposition reaction. The Fenton’s reagent is a mixture of ferrous salt and hydrogen peroxide.
کارخانه هاى کوچک روغن زیتون، زیتون را براى استخراج روغن فرآورى مى کنند در حالى که حجم بالایى از فاضلاب مایع تولید مى شود. (فاضلاب کارخانه روغن زیتون، OMW 971/100kg زیتون، وقتى ظرف سرریز سه فازى معمولى استفاده شود.)[1] درصد فنولى در OMW در غلظت هاى بالا(1-10 g/L) به عنوان مواد اصلى سرسخت در نظر گرفته مى شود که خواص آنتى میکروبى دارند و کاهش بیولوژیکى آنها دشوار است. بنابراین، فرآیند هاى بیولوژیکى متعارف براى خالص سازى OMW ناکارآمد هستند. بنابراین به خاطر بار آلى بالاى OMW، مشکل زیست محیطى اصلى را تشکیل مى دهد. اکسیژن مورد نیاز شیمیایى(COD) این فاضلاب در محدوده 80-200 g/L است در حالى که اکسیژن مورد نیاز بیولوژیکى(BOD) براى OMW در محدوده 89-100 g/L است[2]. این مقادیر حدود200-400 بار بیشتر از مقادیر آن براى فاضلاب شهرى معمولى است[3]. مقررات سخت زیست محیطى تلاش هاى بیشترى را به سمت گسترش فناورى ها و روش هاى جدید براى کاهش مواد آلى در فاضلاب هایى مثل OMW، تحمیل مى کنند. فرآیند هاى اکسیداسیون هاى پیشرفته(AOP) که H2O2،O3 یا O2 را به عنوان اکسیدان استفاده مى کنند، فناورى هاى بسیار امیدوار کننده اى براى اصلاح زمین هاى آلوده، سطوح و فاضلاب هاى داراى آلودگى هاى آلى غیر قابل تجزیه هستند[4,5]. AOP ها شامل تولید رادیکال هیدروکسیل(.OH) هستند که یک واکنش گر میانى است و پتانسیل اکسیداسیون بالایى دارد[6]. یکى از روش هاى موجود در منطقه AOP، بر پایه پراکسیداسیون فنتون(Fenton)بنا شده است که به عنوان واکنش تجزیه اى H2O2 ، کاتالیز شده با آهن در نظر گرفته مى شود. معرف فنتون ترکیبى از نمک آهن و هیدروژن پراکسید است.
کلمات کلیدی
Application of the central composite design and response surface ... https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0304389405001615 by M Ahmadi - 2005 - Cited by 387 - Related articles Aug 31, 2005 - Response surface methodology ... Small olive oil mills process olives for the extraction of oil while large ... considerations of using advanced sludge treatment (AST) methods ... RSM uses an experimental design such as the central composite ... Olive oil mill wastewater and Fenton's peroxidation method. Application of the central composite design and response surface ... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15993298 by M Ahmadi - 2005 - Cited by 387 - Related articles Aug 31, 2005 - Application of the central composite design and response surface methodology to the advanced treatment of olive oil processing wastewater using Fenton's peroxidation. Ahmadi M(1), Vahabzadeh F, Bonakdarpour B, ... [PDF]Application of the central composite design and response surface ... iranarze.ir/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/8203-English-IranArze.pdf methodology to the advanced treatment of olive oil processing ... Central composite design; Empirical modeling; Fenton's peroxidation; Olive oil mill wastewater; Response surface .... uses an experimental design such as the central composite. [PDF]Application of response surface methodology in process parameters ... https://www.ajol.info/index.php/ajb/article/download/95907/85257 by DB Hasan - 2011 - Cited by 9 - Related articles Sep 5, 2011 - variables in the Fenton oxidation, response surface methodology was used to optimise the ... populations in municipal wastewater treatment (Guo and. Al-Dahhan, 2005 .... phenol based on a central composite design (CCD) with two level ...... surface methodology to the advanced treatment of olive oil. Application of the Central Composite Design and Response Surface ... www.academia.edu/.../Application_of_the_Central_Composite_Design_and_Response... ... to the advanced treatment of olive oil processing wastewater using Fenton's peroxidation M. ... Keywords: Advanced oxidation process; Central composite design; Empirical ... peroxidation; Olive oil mill wastewater; Response surface methodology 1. ... The Fenton's peroxidation mechanism of studied in this evaluation. an ... Application of the central composite design and response surface ... https://www.semanticscholar.org/.../Application-of-the-central-composite-design.../6192... The central composite design (CCD) technique was used to study the effect of the Fenton's peroxidation ... design and response surface methodology to the advanced treatment of olive oil processing wastewater using Fenton's peroxidation. [PDF]Using Central Composite Experimental Design to Optimize the ... - MDPI https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1944/9/6/428/pdf by AE Sarrai - 2016 - Cited by 14 - Related articles May 30, 2016 - The Response Surface Methodology. (RSM) based on Central Composite Design (CCD) was used to ... are practical advanced oxidation processes, used for treating ... The rate of reaction in the Fenton process can be further enhanced by ... Applying UV irradiation to the Fenton reaction can enhance the ... Application of central composite design for the optimization of photo ... https://content.sciendo.com/view/journals/pjct/11/4/article-p38.xml Application of central composite design for the optimization of photo-destruction of a textile dye using UV/S2O82- process. A. Khataee. View More View Less. Application of the central composite design for the treatment of soft ... https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/19443994.2015.1103305?scroll=top... Jump to Materials and methods - The two-stage process is a combination of two ... The ozone stream was fed into the wastewater through the ... for the complete oxidation of an organic compound in water [22 ... advanced treatment of olive oil processing wastewater ... response surface designs is the central composite ... Integrated Waste Management in India: Status and Future Prospects ... https://books.google.com/books?isbn=3319272284 Marimuthu Prashanthi, Rajakumar Sundaram - 2016 - Science 2003). In another study, central composite design of response surface methodology was applied for the advanced treatment of olive oil processing wastewater using Fenton's peroxidation. ... that makes them more amenable to anaerobic digestion and the isolate and its enzymes could find promising application in this area.