دانلود رایگان مقاله ISI درباره اینترنت اشیا (Internet of Things)، فراگیری ماشین شناسایی الگو و تمرکز دانشجو
دانلود رایکان مقاله انگلیسی ISI با موضوع پارامترهایی که در محیط فیزیکی بر روی تمرکز دانشجویان در طول درس با استفاده از اینترنت اشیا اثر میگذارد
عنوان فارسی مقاله:
یک مطالعه جامع از پارامترهایی که در محیط فیزیکی بر روی تمرکز دانشجویان در طول درس با استفاده از اینترنت اشیا اثر میگذارد
عنوان انگلیسی مقاله:
A comprehensive study of parameters in physical environment that impact students’ focus during lecture using Internet of Things
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بخشی از مقاله انگلیسی :
4. Discussion
In this study, we have used IoT devices to measure numerous parameters of the physical environment in order to distinguish those that significantly affect students’ focus. From five measured parameters of the physical environment, we segregated three parameters that have shown to be significant for determining students’ focus: the level of CO2, the average value of the absolute deviations received from the noise, and the combination of temperature and humidity (humidex). Some other measured parameters (such as air pressure) appeared irrelevant as their levels were not significantly changing over time. It is left unclear if some of them would affect students’ focus under different conditions. Beside this limitation, the advantage of this study is that it was conducted in uncontrolled natural settings opposite to the other researches that were mostly conducted in strictly controlled laboratory environments.